Wednesday, November 15, 2006


power is a funny thing. It can be physical, mental, spiritual, or electrical. Well, the electircal power around my house, is going crazy...half of our city lost power tonight,and yet, i was at a friends house who only suffered a rolling black out, and my house hasnt encounterd any problems either...this is good. So, I was at the same friends house from a couple posts ago. My other friend, who ditched me last time, was finally there. We all rode the bus together. It was soo sindy walking to his house from where we got dropped off...we were seriously almost knocked over. When we got there, his mom was baking us girls cookies, and we sat and talked with her mother-in-law. She is really sweet. Then we went downstairs and started working on the computer. We got a lot done. friends are way too cool for me!Grama made dinner and it was SO good. Short ribs, potatos, and carrots. It was really good. About 40 minutes after dinner, I went home. Then I finished my book report. I had a good and busy night. [deep breath] yep.

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